Shree Bharti Academy

This is where we teach students skills they need to transform themselves, others, and our global communities.


Admission OPEN for Session 2024 - 25
Admission OPEN for Session 2024 - 25

Learning Begins With Us

At Shree Bharti Academy, we’re committed to providing a supportive and nurturing learning environment that fosters academic excellence and personal growth. Our dedicated team of educators is passionate about inspiring young minds to explore, discover, and create, and we strive to instill in our students a love of learning that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Through a challenging, relevant, and engaging curriculum, we aim to equip our students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to achieve their goals and make a positive impact in the world. At Shree Bharti Academy, we believe in empowering our students to become confident and capable learners who are well-prepared for success in all aspects of their lives.

Shree Bharti Academy at a Glance
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Current Enrollments
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Qualified Staff
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Clubs & Activities
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Awards and Honors

Photo Gallery

Our Facility

Bus Service


Computer Lab


Science Lab

Math Lab

SSt. Lab

Music Lab

Art and Craft



E – Library